# Welcome!
**The Caledon Archive** is a memorialization and record of the Dungeons & Dragons campaigns and one shots taking place in the fantastical world of **Caledon**. The archive is a comprehensive set of interlinked notes, allowing you to explore characters, locations, events, items, and more from the world of Caledon!
# Adventure Summaries
Want to relive an adventure of days gone past? A summary of each campaign or adventure can be found here!
## Campaigns
- [[The Boy Scout Boys Campaign]]
- [[Campaign 2]]
## Short Adventures
- [[The Fall of Crag Duroshk]]
- [[The Battle of Respite]]
- [[Orik Basin Scouting Mission]]
# Recently Modified Notes
Looking for something that came up recently in the campaign? Check out the most recently modified notes!
![[Recently Modified Notes]]
Check out the [[Recently Modified Hub]] for a more detailed breakdown of recent changes!
# Most Referenced Notes
Looking for a core concept to the world of Caledon? Here are the most referenced notes*:
![[Most Linked Notes]]
<sub>*Excluding Creature types, otherwise the most reference notes would be things like "Humanoid", "Human, "Elf", "Beast", etc. which are admittedly core concepts of the world and game, but are not particularly interesting.</sub>